‘Never seen’ work on display Sept. 30 to Oct. 16
Selon OttawaCommunityNews.com par Jessica Kunha, Kanata Kourier-Standard le 22/9/2017

Koyman Galleries will host an exhibit of John Mlacak’s work, some completed shortly before his death three years ago. The showing takes place from Sept. 30 to Oct. 16. Pictured is an oil on canvas by Mlacak, titled ‘Chute du Diable.’ – John Mlacak/Courtesy Beth Mlacak
Some never-before-seen works by the late artist John Mlacak will be on display at an Ottawa art gallery.
Koyman Galleries, in the city’s east end, will display around 30 of Mlacak’s oil paintings — from the very small to the very large — in an exhibit titled Reflections, from Sept. 30 to Oct. 16.
The former March township reeve, who died in Sept. 2014, always had new art work on the go and was often working on two- to three-dozen at a time, said his widow Beth Mlacak.
“There’s going to be (paintings) for people who think they’ve seen everything, that they have never seen before,” she said. “This will be different.”
After his death, Koyman Galleries stored the entirety of Mlacak’s work and hosted a retrospective in 2015.
“It was so successful on many levels; it was very well attended, but even more so, the exhibition sold many pieces that showed that his work really moved many people,” said gallery manager Eddie Baroud.
“We decided to show his work again, new pieces that had never been displayed before. One reason was to show clients his vast array of works that he painted, as well as to meet the demand for his work.”
Mlacak always had time for anyone who wanted to speak with him and often showed up at the gallery with treats in hand.
“John’s connection in the community was pretty amazing. He was well-liked by many and had an amazing reputation in the art community,” said Baroud.
“He was a very patient and generous man; patient, to discuss his work any time and tell his stories about the composition and the location of his subject matters.”
Mlacak most enjoyed capturing Canadian landscapes with his brush, particularly when fall colours met early snow.
“He just loved that — the wonderful golds and reds popping through the snow,” said Beth. “It’s hard to look at his paintings and not see how much he loved (Canada), how much the country had to offer in terms of beauty. You can just see he brought it forward.”
Many scenes in his works are recognizable — trees along the Old Carp Road, a garden in the Glebe, and a lake in the Gatineau Hills. Other paintings take the viewer on a trip to far-flung destinations such as France and Italy.
“He painted scenes and places that people felt a connection to. And if they didn’t know the location, his paintings took you there,” said Baroud. “He achieved what he was trying to do.”
Aside from his oil paintings, Mlacak was well known for his community activism and 11-year political career, and is considered one of Kanata’s founding fathers.
He continued to advocate for his Beaverbrook community leading up to his death, pushing back against proposed intensification and developments that didn’t fit the vision.
An elected member of the Society of Canadian Artists and the Ontario Society of Artists, Mlacak’s artistic career spanned more than three decades.
“John is pretty well-known in Ottawa. He has a very loyal and fond following,” said Beth, who will be at the exhibit on Sept. 30 and Oct. 1.
“It’s very gratifying for me to see it so professionally displayed — that’s what any artist would wish for. It’s really wonderful.”
Koyman Galleries is located at 1771 St. Laurent Blvd. For more information, visit koymangalleries.com or call 613-526-1562.
Arrière-cour, Montréal, un tableau peint par John Mlacak, a été présenté à Nancy McKeraghan de Newmarket, Ontario, la gagnante du tirage, par Beth Mlacak le 15 octobre 2016. Nancy est le nouveau vice-président de Canadian Parents for French (CPF).
Karen Lynch de Edmonton, Alberta, le nouveau président de CPF, a gagné un tableau de Mlacak en 2014. Le congrès du 40e anniversaire de CPF a eu lieu en Ottawa du 14 au 16 octobre. Lors du congrès, un évènement spécial s’est déroulé en l’honneur des membre qui ont créé CPF en 1977. Parmi ces membres il y a John et Beth Mlacak. Une tradition s’est développée d’offrir un tableau aux congrès nationaux. Beth continue cette tradition depuis la mort de John en 2014.
CPF est un organisme national de bénévoles, axé sur la recherche, qui promulgue l’apprentissage et l’utilisation de la langue française pour tous Canadiens. Il y a 23,000 membres et 10 sections. CPF reconnaît les avantages de l’apprentissage du français, et ce n’est pas seulement l’amélioration de la langue maternelle, ni les possibilités d’emploi. Il y a des avantages académiques et cognitives, ainsi que le développement des compétences interpersonnelles et interculturelles. Il y a des millions d’étudiants au Canada qui bénéficient de l’éducation en français comme deuxième langue.
Koyman Galleries, au boul. St-Laurent à Ottawa, représente désormais l’art de John Mlacak. Il s’agit de l’aboutissement d’une étroite collaboration qui dure depuis plusieurs années. La galerie a un une exposition de l’art de John Mlacak en automne 2015.
Koyman Galleries est la plus grande galerie commerciale d’art au Canada, avec plus de 13,000 pieds carrés sur deux étages. Des spécialistes d’art sont disponibles pour aider les collectioneurs et les nouveaux acheteurs avec des sélections d’art pour la maison ou le bureau. Koyman Galleries offre également des services de cadrage de tres bonne qualité.
« Iris Melody », ci-dessous, est un des tableaux disponibles à la galerie.
Merci beaucoup à Koyman Galleries pour la rétrospective John Mlacak le mois dernier.
Le vernissage du 17 octobre a vu plusieurs visiteurs, et Beth Mlacak était à l’accueil. Les cinquante tableaux à huile dans la collection Koyman était affichés dans la salle Héritage au niveau supérier de la galerie. Beth était souvent présent durant l’exposition, et a bien apprécié la rencontre de tant d’amateurs.
L’exposition est terminée, mais il reste un mur avec des tableaux de John dans la grande salle a l’étage. D’autres tableaux « Mlacak » sont disponibles au site web Koyman Galleries.
Yvan Delisle a gracieusement produit ce vidé0 de l’exposition:
John Mlacak 1939-2014
Une rétrospective
17 octobre au 1 novembre 2015
Vous êtes invité au vernissage avec Beth Mlacak aux galeries Koymen dans la salle « Estate » le 17 octobre de 13h à 17h.
Les galeries Koyman représentent John depuis plusieurs années. Cette exposition spéciale, permet de voir une sélection importante de ses tableaux à huile, y compris ses grands paysages dynamiques.
Koyman Galleries – Estate Room (à l’étage)
1771, boul. St-Laurent
Ottawa, Ontario
613-526-1562 / 877-526-1562